Calories in Chocolate Covered Strawberries?

Calories in Chocolate Covered Strawberries?

Calories in Chocolate Covered Strawberries
Chocolate covered strawberries are often on everyone’s wish list when it comes to important celebrations or a romantic interlude. A single strawberry dipped in a thin layer of melted chocolate is a very great alternative to a box of chocolates. If you have a sweet tooth and want to stay healthy and not ruin your diet, chocolate covered strawberries could just be the sweet dessert you are looking for.

How many calories are there in a chocolate covered strawberry?

If we take a serving size, which is a medium sized strawberry that has been dipped in chocolate it would consist of approximately 60 calories. Chocolate covered strawberries contain 4 g fat, 2 g saturated fat and 0 g cholesterol.

When determining the nutritional value of a chocolate covered strawberry, you will find that most of the nutrients are in the strawberry… obviously. Each serving contains 20 percent of your vitamin C daily value. You will also find that there is 5 percent of your dietary fiber daily value and 6 grams of your recommended carbohydrates.